60 to 60: Aging is for the Birds
I visited my Gram a lot in my young adulthood. She lived in a sweet mobile home community in central Florida for many years after exiting...
60 to 60: Travel Stories/Judging Books by Covers
Jay and I decide to grab something to eat. We're on a delay, again, which means that our time in Houston is going to be fast and furious....
60 to 60: Being in the Present
We have some counting happening in our house. Jay is counting down the days (29) til he retires from a long career in education. I'm...
60 to 60: Travel Stories/Yogi on the Beach
On a recent trip to Cozumel, Mexico I had three fairly amazing travel encounters. Moments with "perfect strangers" is why I love to...
60 to 60: Counting up to the big 6-0
I thought it would be fun, not to mention a much-need writing discipline, to post every day for 60 days. In sixty days (actually 59, I'm...